4-5 Oct 2018 Paris (France)


Registration is free but mandatory. Use the link on the left.

Deadline is Friday September 14th.

NB: We promote a correct use of statistical tests. Please see this page for more http://cerco.ups-tlse.fr/-Charte-statistique-


If you want to submit a talk or poster, use the link to the left. Deadline is Friday September 14th 2018.

GDR Vision - INC event 2018 Program

The conference will take place at:

Centre Universitaire des Saints-Pères

45 rue des Saints-Pères 75006 Paris

Meeting room R229 and Sabatier hall (2nd floor): MAP


Thursday 4 octobre 2018

9h30 - 12h30 : Methods workshop « Mixed models for cognitive psychology and neuroscience»,  Matteo Lisi (University College London).

Multilevel models are ideally suited to the analysis of data that have a hierarchical structure, such as it is the case in psychology and neuroscience, where observations (e.g. trials of an experiment) are grouped according to 'observational clusters' (e.g., the participants of the experiment). In this tutorial I will first introduce multilevel models (also known as hierarchical or mixed-effects) in a frequentist setting, using R (https://www.r-project.org/) and the lme4 library. Next, I will move toward a Bayesian approach, and illustrate how to fit multilevel models in a Bayesian framework, using Stan (http://mc-stan.org/) and its R interface (see here for installation instructions: https://github.com/stan-dev/rstan/wiki/RStan-Getting-Started). One of the advantages of Stan is that it enables users to build the model they want, instead of having to choose from a limited set of default models. Time permitting, we will see through a series of worked examples how this can be particularly useful in experimental psychology, as it allows estimating at the group level more realistic models of decision making processes (e.g. mixture or drift-diffusion models).
The course is introductory and assumes only basic notion of statistics, probability theory and some familiarity with R.


12h30 – 14h00: Lunch

14h00 – 14h15: Introduction

14h15 – 15h15: Keynote 1 : Patrick Cavanagh (Dartmouth University, Etats-Unis & Glendon College, Canada), "Constructing the present"

15h15- 16h15 : Talks session 1 Chair: Thérèse Collins

15h15: Tarryn Balsdon, The relationshi between metacognition and second choice judgments

15h30: Mahiko Konishi, The influence of multi-tasking on metacognition

15h45: Andrei Gorea, Reproduction without and after prior decision: a constant repulsive bias

16h00: Valérie Goffaux, Fixed or flexible? Orientation preference in identity and gaze processing in humans

16h15-17h15: Coffee & posters (INDIVIDUAL POSTER NUMBERS & SESSIONS)

17h15- 18h15 : Talks session 2 Chair: Céline Paeye

17h15: Claudi Simoncini, Miniature eye movements adjust to the statistics of naturalistic images in humans and monkeys

17h30: Eric Castet, Distribution of fixations during natural reading with central field loss

17h45: Judith Nicolas, Inducing ocumomotor plasticity to discole the functional link between saccades and visuo-spatial attention

18h00: Manuel Vidal, Auditory and gap/overlap infuences on visual reaction times: similar effects but distinct mechanisms

19h00 : Social dinner


Friday 5 octobre 2018

9h30 – 10h30: Keynote 2: Melissa Le-Hoa Võ (Goethe Univarsität, Frankfort, Allemagne), "Reading Scenes: How We Use Scene Grammar to Guide Attention in Real-World Environments"

10h30-11h00 : Talks session 3 Chair: Claire Sergent

10h30: Alban Flachot, Color properties of deep convolutional neural networks trained for object recognition.

10h45: Nikos Gekas, A computational model of short-term adaptation and long-term learning

11h00 – 11h30: Café

11h30-12h15 : Talks session 4 Chair: Laura Dugué

11h30: Martin Szinte, The visual selectivity of the default mode network

11h45: Jacques Jonas, Selective visual representation of letters and words in the left ventral occipito-temporal cortex with intracerebral recordings

12h00:Simen Hagen, Mapping face- and house-selectivity in ventral occipito-temporal cortex with intracerebral potentials.

12h15 – 14h15: Lunch, posters & sponsors (INDIVIDUAL POSTER NUMBERS & SESSIONS)

14h15-15h00 : Talks Session 5 Chair: Louisa Lavergne

14h15: Vasili Marshev, Impact of Virtual Reality Head Mounted Display on the attentional visual field

14h30: Daphné Rimsky-Robert, Perceiving ghost words: retrospective context can bring into awareness the meaning of a past visual word without its physical attributes

14h45: Mehdi Senoussi, Comparing the neural dynamics of voluntary feature-based and spatial attention

15h00-16h00 : Keynote 3: Ziad Hafed (Tübingen, Allemagne), Unraveling the mechanisms of saccadic suppression: from retina to perception

16h00 - 16h30 : Business Meeting.



This event is sponsored by: SR Research, Université Paris Descartes, Institut Neurosciences et Cognition, Tobii.


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